When we hear the words “self-care,” it is common to think about things like taking a long bath or relaxing after a long day. Certainly, those are definitely forms of self-care that can help people unwind from a stressful or busy day. However, there is far more to self-care than just relaxation time.
We are living in ridiculously stressful and tense times. To be fair, for any BIPOC (Black Indigenous and People Of Color) that has always been true. But in the past few years, these stress levels have risen to an all-time high.
From unjust and horrendous crimes that have taken place, to political tension and a pandemic, this is far from an easy-going life. Not to mention trying to juggle all of this plus you’re personal life. It all starts to feel like a bit too much at times, doesn’t it?
Knowing you are stressed is one thing, but learning to find a steady and healthy balance is a whole different ball game. T
Self-care is important for everyone. But, as a BIPOC, it can provide a buffer against a world that seems to aim at our mental well-being.
This is when self-care for any person of color is crucial to practice. Let’s go over some practical self-care tips that go beyond the basics that we all think about.
No matter what your racial background is, food is an important part of our lives. When we are feeling stressed, what do we reach for more? Those bananas that are days away from going bad or the bag of chips that are delicious? We’re guessing it’s the latter. And while junk food may be a temporary solution to feeling good, it’s not a good long-term choice for keeping our bodies healthy.
Giving your body and mind the nutrients and food it truly needs to function is a great way to practice self-care. When you eat healthy amounts of fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates, and drink plenty of water, you are helping your brain to be able to function better. Additives like sugar and artificial preservatives can actually prevent the brain from functioning properly.
That doesn’t mean you can’t eat those chips, just do it in moderation!
How often do we turn on the news or social media and are hit with awful stories? From attacks and murders on individuals to targeted shootings, it seems as if there is no break from it all.
The unrest may still be going on, but you have every right to turn it off every once in a while. Practicing self-care often means protecting your own mental health. Don’t be afraid or ashamed that you need a break from staying on top of the latest news stories. In fact, stepping away from it all can give you a chance to mentally regroup and think without all of the “noise” in the background.
One thing can certainly be said – the BIPOC community is strong and powerful. We will never give up the fight. Part of this fight is to talk about it with other people in the community.
Don’t be scared to talk about how you are feeling with everything going on. Self-care also comes in the form of letting it all out. Express your outrage, hurt, and anger over what is happening. Humans rely on other humans to help them through any difficult time. Talking to other people who understand exactly what we are feeling can be a powerful tool to improve mental health.
If you are a BIPOC and struggling with anything, don’t be afraid to reach out for support. We fight a hard battle and it’s okay to admit that you aren’t okay right now. Let’s connect soon through my coaching program so you can incoporate wellness into your collection.